Sunday, February 16, 2014

Special Valentine's Day Boutique!

Cute banner, eh? MCL V-Day Boutique 2014 where you could buy cool, cute, and sexy valentine's day clothes!

You may purchase them with MCL dollars. The more elegant/unique the clothes are, the higher the dollars you need to get to purchase them. 

Darn! I forgot to get the pic of the Special V-Day Boutique list. (So many clothes n accessories that I can't purchase cause' of the shortage of dollars)

I have to pick the best (or my taste)

My MCL character with her outfit that I chose.
I call that a -Cupid- outfit.. Pink, pink, PINK!

These 7 items are SO! lucky that I've picked them!
Valentine's Day 2014 :
 - Heart Pin.
- Dove Bustier.
- Dove Skirt.
- Dove Necklace.
- Dove Shoes.
- Dove Belt.
& my fave of all..
- Dove Gloves!


This boutique opens only on the 14th to 23rd February 2014 only.

(All of the artwork from MCL were created by ChiNoMiko)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Special Valentine's Day Event 2014!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

So, I think you guys had heard about THE MCL Valentine's Day Event.. right?
My reaction when MCL create an event. (excited as hell)

The event started on the 7th till 14th of February. (Of course the 14th.. It's V-Day!)

On this event, a friend will call you each day begging for your advice. (Begging seems like a desperate word)
Oh, well..

As always, you need to log in each day to get more questions.. -_- of course there will be prizes if you answer them correctly. 

7 days : 5 points for each question you answered correctly, lose 5 points if answered them falsely but there's also answers that won't deduct your point if your answer is wrong. (You're lucky if they didn't)

Time limit in each question .. (damn) I panicked because all the answers seem almost the same 0_0 
(maybe that's just me). 

Some questions I would just guess the answer by closing my eyes and move my cursor all around the choices and count to (as many as I like) and then click. The question they asked is most impossible for me to answer.. :'(

All of them are max 35 points..

Then, if you log in on the 14th or any other date till 23rd February, you'll get prizes according to the scores you got.

My MCL character with the prizes.

I got 3 prizes : Valentine's Day 2014...
- Flower Crown
- Flower Belt Jacket
- Rose Pants

I think I got 15 out of 35 scores or maybe less... LOL XD because I was too busy with school that I forgot to log in.

If you missed or didn't get prizes.. you can purchase other items at
The Valentine's Day Boutique.
(Yes, click that colourful sentence)

See you in the next post! Ciao!

(All MCL arts belongs to ChiNoMiko)